
Mostrando postagens de agosto, 2024

Question 2 - Random Network

Most real networks are sparse, meaning the number of connections (or edges) between the nodes is relatively small compared to the maximum number of possible connections. In these cases, it is possible to use the Poisson distribution to calculate the degree distribution. In the case where N = 360 and p = 0.02 , it is not possible to use the Poisson distribution, but the binomial distribution must be used. What is the degree distribution of a random network that follows the binomial distribution?  A - 0.305 B - 10.050 C - 0.150 D - 0.028 E - None of above Original idea by: Vanessa Alves

Questão 1

  Consider the Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm applied to a directed graph. Determine whether the following statements are true or false: 1-       1- In the DFS algorithm, if a vertex is visited, it will never be revisited. Therefore, by the end of the algorithm's execution, all vertices in the graph will have been visited once, assuming the graph is connected. 2-      2- When a vertex u is explored in DFS, its neighbors are explored in an order that depends on the graph structure. If a vertex v is a neighbor of u and has not been visited yet, it will be visited immediately after u.   3-      3- In DFS, the order in which vertices are visited can be used to construct a cycle and detect if a graph contains cycles. Mark which alternatives are correct: a- 1 and 2 b- 2 and 3 c- 3 d- 1 and 3 e- None of the above